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Lydney Branch 01594 840404
Hartpury Branch 01452 700086
Forest of Dean Branch - Temporarily Closed 01594 826688

Animal Charities

Useful sites

Battersea Dogs’ Home
A comprehensive site on rehoming, keeping, first aid tips and ideas for playing with your dog.

Blue Cross Animal Welfare Society
An organisation which rehomes dogs and provides a veterinary service for owners on low income.

Canine Partners for Independence
This organisation provides specially trained dogs for disabled people, helping them maintain their independence.

Cats Protection
Formerly Cats Protection League, this is the oldest and biggest cat rescue society in the UK. Often provides assistance with veterinary bills for families on low income.

Voluntary organisation helping in the training of dogs for disabled people.

Dogs for the Disabled
Again, an organisation which trains dogs for disabled people.

Society for Companion Animal Studies
This organisation runs the Pet Bereavement Support Service.

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
An organisation which provides and trains dogs for the blind.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
An organisation which trains dogs to assist deaf people, thus helping them maintain their independence.

Dogs Trust
This is the UK's largest dog welfare charity, with a network of rescue centres around the country.

National Pet Month
Promotes responsible pet ownership.

Pet as Therapy (PAT Dogs)
A voluntary organisation which arranges for specially trained dogs to visit hospitals, nursing homes and hospices.

The PDSA provides free medical or surgical treatment to families on low income.

The world's largest and oldest animal charity - it provides rescue and welfare for animals in distress.

Support Dogs
This organisation trains dogs to respond and alert their owners to an imminent epileptic fit.